Sunday 19 May 2019

FULL MOON – Optimum Benefit - Happy Vesak Everyone!

As many garlands can be made 
from a heap of flowers, 
so too much that is wholesome can be done 
during this human existence. 

Dhammapada v.53

All of us would be familiar with those phases in life when we find ourselves slowing down. Perhaps it is because of some physical limitation which we are obliged to accommodate. Or maybe it is out of conscious choice, because we suspect that always moving fast risks missing out. Whatever the cause, it can come as an unexpected and rewarding gift to discover that by slowing down we might be afforded a new and more meaningful perspective on this human existence. Instead of feeling as if we have to always react to what our senses register – the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations and mental impressions – an interest in not having to merely react can start to awaken. With such a perspective we are better placed to recognize the potential for generating true benefit, for ourselves and others. Compare the happiness which arises from optimizing on what we already have, with the unhappiness associated with always wanting more.

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