Thursday, 30 July 2015

A Quote That I Like - “Are You A Buddhist?”

At our regular Tuesday night meeting one of our Sangha members shared the following quote which they had brought along...

“Are You A Buddhist?”
Sharon Salzberg.

Buddhism is a convenient label for the life she has chosen to live—No more. 

The point (of Buddhism) isn’t ‘to become a Buddhist’, to declare an identity, to reject anything else. The point is to look at, explore and if you wish, to try and live a certain way of life – a way of not harming yourself or others ,having compassion for yourself and others, building concentration, experimenting with mindfulness, developing Wisdom and Insight. 

It’s a way of life; it’s not in Lockdown with a certain kind of language or belief or adherence to belief. 

The Buddha did not teach Buddhism. 

The Buddha taught a way of Life.

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