I am sure that we as Buddhists and human beings are saddened and gravely concerned with the recent events in Burma (Myanmar). We who have the privilege, that is denied to the people of Burma, of living in a democracy can make our voices heard and influence our body politic, below are listed a number of petition sites..... Please, please make your voice heard.

See what is happening in Burma
Free Aung San Suu Kyi
Email Burma's Dictator
An appeal to the UN Security Council to protect the people of Burma
The link below is to a page on the Buddhist Channel web site. On this page are a couple of petition links: one is to the US Campaign for Burma, asking people to collectively gather 88,000 signatures from around the world, calling on Chinese President Hu Jintao to compel Burma towards valid national reconciliation.
You can also email the EU President to strengthen the EU position on Burma
You can petition Gordon Brown & the British Government at: