Saturday, 31 May 2008
Friday, 30 May 2008
End of Burma Video Campaign
and Thirty of the thirty day campaign.
All the videos can be seen at Fanista where U.S. citizens can sign up to pledge their support for the people of Burma. The aim of the "U.S. campaign for Burma" was for a million "voices" in the 30 days, they got 51,155. I know there are many petitions etc. out there but come on guys, the Avaaz World wide petition on Burma stands at 839,644!
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Burma Video Campaign
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Suu Kyi's house arrest extended

As I'm playing catch-up here are days Twenty Four,
Twenty Five,
Twenty Six
and Twenty Seven
of the Burma Video Campaign, day 26 is with Joseph Fiennes, I've heard of him.
Friday, 23 May 2008
Burma: it can't wait Video Campaign
and also the one for Day Twenty Three with Diego Maradona.
A Tale of Two Brains
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Changed and New Features
The link to Daizan's Book has been removed as it is duplicated on the "Dharma Studies RESOURCES" page.
Also I have converted the "Labels" list to a drop down menu and moved it up to below the "Search Blog & Associated Sites" Search Box.
As an experiment there is a drop down menu for "Favourite Sites" (at the top of the blue right hand column). I'd be grateful for some feed back as to how it compares with the conventional "Favourite Sites" list further down the column.
While I was at it, I've changed the column widths. If anyone has problems with displaying the blog, again, please let me know.
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Tibetan Monks pray for Chinese Victims
Happy Vesak
Happy Vesak! to all our readers.

It's the day of the first full Moon of May here in the West Wight and that makes it Vesak, the celebration of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and final passing into nibbana, or nirvana. In some places it is known as the festival of lights, since lanterns, candles, and lamps are frequently used as part of the celebration (I've got loads of candles so that one's sorted).
Monday, 19 May 2008
Burma's Monks
Sunday, 18 May 2008
New Feature, Old Feature

The "new feature" mentioned in the title can be seen in a post below, it's called "Clipmarks" and is a way to assemble a disparate selection of copies from elsewhere on the Web and post them directly to your own blog. You're limited to 1,000 characters, so it's just a taster, there's a link to the original site at the top and the title can be a link to the specific page/item. It does have a different feel to the normal style of this blog and I might try to change that, but after the previous experience I might just leave well alone............
Day Eighteen of the Burma Video Campaign
Oh! I almost forgot.... CONGRATS to our Mainland neighbours in Pompey for winning the F.A. Cup yesterday!
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Friday, 16 May 2008
More on Vesak
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Burma: It can't wait.....
Day Fifteen
U.K. citizens wishing to contribute to the Myanmar Cyclone Appeal can go to The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)website.
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Wesak (or Vesak)
In a resolution passed by the United Nation’s General Assembly in December 1999, it was decided to celebrate the thrice-sacred day of Vesak in the month of May. The first celebration was held back in the year 2000 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Subsequently, the celebrations for the United Nations Day of Vesak were successfully held in Bangkok, Thailand since 2004.

In the U.K. the full moon for May falls on the 20th. .... so a week to go!
"Burma: it can't wait" day fourteen with Vietnamese Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Monday, 12 May 2008
Gordon Brown Refuses to Meet Dalai Lama............. in Number Ten!
After all the successful petitioning and getting questions asked in the House and

President Bush received the Dalai Lama at the White House and presented him with the Congressional Gold Medal, Angela Merkel 's met him and both Tony Blair and John Major have previously welcomed his Holiness to Number Ten. So why not Gordon?
Read More....
Burma: it can't wait.. Day Twelve
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Burma Cyclone Disaster Fund
In many of the worst-hit areas, the monasteries are the only source of shelter and food for Burma's poorest people. They have been on the front lines of the aid effort since the storm struck. Other forms of aid could be delayed, diverted or manipulated by the Burmese government--but the monks are the most trusted and reliable institution in the country.
At the time of writing the fund already stands at € 999,641 and their original target was for € 1,000,000 !
Donate Now:
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Thursday, 8 May 2008
The United Nations has the power to authorise aid shipments to Burma even though the regime has not given permission. The French government has tried to secure a discussion on this at the Security Council, but other Council members, including the UK government, have not added their support.
In 2006 the Security Council passed Resolution 1674 which stated that the Council could intervene in circumstances similar to that in Burma.
It is time to demand that the UN Security Council pass a resolution invoking its responsibility to protect to ensure that aid gets to the Burmese people, and fast. UK support for this proposal is essential.
Please take action now and send an email to the UK Government urging them to support UN action to deliver aid to Burma.
Take action here:
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Aid for Burma?

In the days after the 2004 Asian tsunami, military rulers in Burma said that they did not need any international help.
Highly suspicious of foreign aid agencies, the regime said that it could provide for the thousands left homeless without any external aid.
But it appears as though the sheer magnitude of the devastation caused by Cyclone Nargis could perhaps force a shift. Read more........
Monday, 5 May 2008
Burmese Cyclone
But Foreign Minister Nyan Win told state television that the toll could be more than 10,000. He said the secretive dictatorship would welcome international aid.
Up to five regions have been declared disaster zones after the cyclone, packing winds of up to 120mph, ripped through Burma's south-west.
Check out what you can do at the Red Cross Site.
Also, here's day five and day six (with Eddie Izzard) of the Video Campaign for Burmese freedom.
Sunday, 4 May 2008
Day four of the video Campaign

Burma Regime Receiving An Email Every Minute for Min Ko Naing
30 Apr 2008 Supporters of the Burma Campaign UK are sending an email every minute to Burmese embassies worldwide. The emails are demanding the regime allow immediate medical access to Min Ko Naing, who has an eye infection.
Campaigners can email Burmese embassies via:
Saturday, 3 May 2008
Tibet - China Talks
The meeting in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen would be the first between the two sides since violent anti-government protests erupted in Tibet in March.
Prime Minister Samdhong Rinpoche of the India-based Tibetan government-in-exile said envoys are scheduled to arrive in Hong Kong on Saturday and travel to the neighboring city of Shenzhen for meetings to begin Sunday.
The representatives, Lodi Gyari and Kelsang Gyaltsen, would convey "deep concerns" over China's handling of the situation in Tibet and would put forward suggestions to bring peace to the region," the Tibetan government-in-exile said Friday.
China has faced mounting international calls to negotiate with the Dalai Lama, and some experts believe Beijing agreed to meet to ease pressure ahead of the Olympics, which begin in August.
Also, here's day three of the US Campaign for Burma's "30 days for a million voices" initiative.
Friday, 2 May 2008
Day Two, Burma Campaign
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Video Campaign for Burma
Every day for 30 days you will be able to tune to watch a new celebrity video about Burma. Instead of watching one single video with limited information, viewers will be able to learn a great deal about the people of Burma's courageous struggle for human rights and democracy. Each video is different -- some are deadly serious while others have a light touch. Most of these are meant to be different than a typical public service announcement -- more like a short movie or skit.
The videos include many of the top actors in Hollywood and others in music, such as Jennifer Aniston, Woody Harrelson, Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz, Eric Szmanda, Anjelica Huston, Ellen Page, Sheryl Crow, and more.
This is for the US but why not follow the videos and then check out things at the UK Burma Campaign , also have a look at the story "Saffron Revolution Renewed" from the Buddhist Channel.