In a disturbing report from TimesOnline we hear that Tibetan monasteries are being emptied as China jails monks in order to silence Olympic protests, many have simply "disappeared".
Read More.....In another story from Telegraph.co.uk the BBC has announced that it will show political protests if they occur during the Beijing Olympics, the corporation said yesterday, even if the Games' organisers attempt to censor official footage.
Read More......And while China is getting ready to "welcome" the rest of the World, the following "rules" have been laid down........
China is warning visitors to the Olympics they could be fined or jailed without trial if they breach rules on a range of offences including staging political protests.
A list of rules for tourists coming for the Beijing Games in the summer outlines a long list of reasons why they may not be allowed into the country at all.
Those banned will include anyone suffering from infectious diseases such as tuberculosis or sexually transmitted diseases such as Aids, the mentally ill, prostitutes, and anyone with "subversive" intent.
Books, articles and computer files with content "harmful to China's politics, cultures, morals and economy" would also be banned, the rules say.
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