This very special event is open to Buddhists, their families and friends ( and pets too!), please bring vegetarian food to share. We will be using the meadow area to the rear of the gardens, the best option is to head for the Children's Play Area and carry on through to the grassed area and keep on going till you meet some Buddhists!
The path to the left of the pond
(if you're facing the Visitor Centre)
takes you straight to the Children's Play Area.
I've asked and it's o.k. so we might have some sign posts to the picnic area from there on. If it does rain we can retire to the cafe in the Visitor Centre.
p.s. as Palaka mentions in the comment below, don't forget that you have to pay for the carpark.
These beautiful gardens are free to visit...but the car park is not! Be sure to buy a ticket before reaching the meadow and having to hike back again. What a lovely choice of venue.