Further to the preceding post The Burma Campaign UK has distributed an open letter to all Lloyds of London staff explaining that institution's involvement in supporting the Burmese regime.
Three Lloyd’s syndicates are known to insure risk in Burma, Catlin, Atrium and Kiln. Lloyd’s of London refuse to reveal if other syndicates currently insure risk in Burma. Lloyd’s have not responded to repeated requests from the Burma Campaign UK to reveal all the sectors of Burmese business that are insured through the Lloyd’s market.
The letter calls on staff to be "whistle blowers" and let the Burma Campaign UK know which Lloyd’s companies are still insuring risk in Burma.
As Johnny Chatterton, Campaigns Officer at the Burma Campaign UK said “Lloyd’s are helping to fund a murderous dictatorship that rapes, tortures and kills those who call for human rights and democracy. The management of Lloyd’s seem to think it is OK to help fund this brutal dictatorship, they’re ignoring British Government advice, they’re ignoring the wishes of Burma’s democrats. We hope Lloyd’s staff will take the time to listen and question Lloyd’s’ Burma policy.”
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