Friday, 27 February 2015

We're in the County Press!

Following on from our recent visit to Gurnard Primary School the story has now appeared in the island's local paper, the Isle of Wight County Press.

The text reads..............

A feeling of calm, serenity and enlightenment descended on the children of an Island primary school. As part of their religious education lessons this term, Year 4 and 5 pupils of Gurnard Primary School learned about the art of practising Buddhism. Buddhism Day was run by Steph Green and Stephen Parker, of the West Wight Sangha, a small Buddhist group. They taught youngsters about the origins of Buddhism and some meditation techniques. They brought along Buddha statues and singing bowls, demonstrating their sound during meditation. Children also made a dharma chakra — a wheel which symbolises the noble, eight-point path to living their lives. Year 4 and 5 teacher Natalie Pettifer, who organised Buddhism Day, said: "The children really enjoyed it and found it an interesting and rewarding experience. "The feedback was great, with many wanting to incorporate meditation into their lives as a way of giving them calm."

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